You can view the contract address of your NFT assets on the NFT platform or on the ETH/XSC/BSC/Polygn page of your wallet. XT-NFT supports 721 protocol token.
When the NFT asset is in the metamask personal wallet, it can be found in the browser:
First of all, you need a MetaMask wallet. Learn about MetaMask little fox wallet below.
Step 1: Download and register MetaMask
If you have installed MetaMask, jump to the second step.
If you have not installed it before, you can visit the official website ( to download.
After downloading MetaMask, follow the prompts to create your own login password and seed words. If you already have an account, import the account.
Remember: Be sure to save and back up the seed words and never share with anyone.
How to import an account:
Click on the little fox wallet, then click the account button in the upper right corner, scroll down to see the import account, click to enter, and then import the private key as below.
Enter the private key and click “Import” to import the account successfully.
After you have created a NFT wallet account, open the wallet, click the details button on the right side of the wallet account (the three vertical dots), and then enter the page and view the details:
According to the NFT protocol standard, you can query your NFT contract address in the corresponding ERC721 standard.
Then click the erc721 token pointed by the arrow, and you can see the contract address of the erc721 token.